Casa do Arrabalde 2019

White Wine | Vinho Verde DOC | 12.0% VOL

Casa do Arrabalde combines the regional grape varieties Avesso, Alvarinho and Arinto, produced at the estate of Casa do Arrabalde. The vineyards there are located at an altitude of 450m and don’t have full sun exposure. For this reason, the maturation of the grapes takes longes and result in wines very exuberant aromatically, with a very fresh aromatic profile. All vineyards are taken care of with sustainable farming practices and minimal intervention techniques.

The winter of 2018 was quite dry. Spring was more balanced, with some rain during April, which compelled us to apply treatments in the vineyards for mildew and oidium. Also, the vineyards in Casa do Arrabalde suffered some frostings during this month.

Summer was mild, only the lower vineyards in Quinta de Santa Teresa registering some burns on the 23rd of August. In the 8th and 9th of the same month it rained, which allowed to reduce the hydric stress and push the maturation process. The balanced, fresher profile of the 2019 vintage gave birth to slightly more acidic wines, with lower alcohol graduation.


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Grape Varieties

Grape variety Alvarinho

The emblematic Alvarinho grape is one Portugal’s most easily recognized and finest white grape varietal, typically grown in the vinho verde region. Grape yield is low, with small bunches and thick skin. It is rustic with strong aromas and flavors that lead to complex and harmonious Portuguese white wines.

Grape variety Arinto

Grape variety of great quality that produces vibrant and aromatic portuguese white wines, typically grown in the vinho verde region. Also known by the name Pedernã, it has good acidity and a mineral character that goes well with its citrus and tree fruit flavours. Arinto has bunches of a medium size with small grapes that are tightly together and lead to medium yields.

Grape variety Avesso

A high quality white grape variety that leads to full bodied aromatic and flavorful Portuguese white wines. This varietal can result in wines with citrus and tree fruit aromas along with subtle hints of tropical fruit. Avesso has medium-sized bunches with large yellow and green berries. High-yielding and rustic, this grape is planted primarily in Baião, in the vinho verde region of Portugal.

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Features (Tech Data)

Sustainable farming
Manual Selection
Minimal Intervention
Best Served from 10-12 °C